My Bullet Journal 2017

Hello, hello, helloo! How are you? I hope you're well.

What is a Bullet Journal?
For those of you who never heard of Bullet Journals: Bullet Journals are personal planners that you create yourselves. They are supposed to make one more productive and to help make planning easier.
You can be as creative as you want and incorporate different lists and trackers or anything that normally clutters the notes app on your phone like thoughts/quotes/etc. into your journal and thus create your very own collection of interesting ideas, plans, lists, goals and so much more.
The original Bullet Journal also uses different keys and also an index which I don't personally use but if you want to know more about that, check out the official website for Bullet Journals. There you will find more information about how to work with a Bullet Journal.

Which notebook and pens do I use?
I use the Leuchturm1917 notebook with the dotted paper which is probably the most used notebook for Bullet Journals. The dotted paper is so, so, so good since you can easily draw vertical or horizontal lines which makes making lists and charts so much easier. It also looks more subtle than squared paper.
Generally I use every pen I want but I prefer the Stabilo fine liners and felt tip pens. I also love highlighters to decorate the pages.

My experience:
I've started a Bullet Journal at the beginning of February and I didn't think I'd keep it up but I'm actually quite enjoying it. This is my first Bullet Journal and it isn't perfect at all yet. I'm still learning which pages work for me, which pages or lists are missing and which page structure is best and I love the creative process of it. I always liked drawing and being creative and I also love planning, so this is amazing. I've took photos of the best pages that are in my Bullet Journal to give you an inside in my Bullet Journal. I've had to blur the private things that I've already written in the Journal.

Let's have a look:

On the left is a list for present ideas for friends and family. I'm really bad at coming up with gifts, so this makes it a whole lot easier since I'm basically constantly planning which presents to buy.
On the right I've wrote down all the birthdays I have to remember. I've found this idea on Pinterest and I think it looks so much more interesting than having a grid or chart for birthdays.

The "Year in Pixels" page is probably one of my favourites and I'm so excited to see how it'll look like at the end of the year.

These are my timetables for university. Although I have a timetable on my phone I think it's a must for the journal. SO-SE and WI-SE means Summer- and Winter-Semester btw.

On the next two pages I write down my grades and also general notes regarding university. I've also put a quotes from Harry Potter in the left corner since it fitted quite well: "Working hard is important, but there is something that matters even more, believing in yourself."

Of course, I also dedicated some pages to my blog. This is where I plan my blog post for the next weeks. I've divided the chart into date, title and also into the letter G, F, E, H, I which basically means Geschrieben = Written, Fotos = Photos, Edited, Hochgeladen = Uploaded and Instagram. This is really useful to keep an overview of what I've done so far.

The next two pages are for blog post ideas and also for my favourites. I really writing down my favourites so that I don't forget what I've been loving. The seasons can be quite long. :)

I also have a page for my statistics because I think it's quite interesting to see if the blog or social media grows or not.

These two pages are dedicated to traveling. I love seeing new places and there are so many places I want to visit. I think I'll write a post about  traveling in the future. Let me know if you're interested.
On the right page I have list for everything I need to pack when I'm traveling.

I also have a "Need & Want" list in my Journal and, of course, the "Want" list is always longer. :D I'm not really happy with this page since I made a typo and it also looks quite boring but not liking a page is part of the process.
On the other page I drew a bookshelf and wrote all the book titles that I want to read on the books.

This is the monthly log of April. A have a page for every month so that I know what I'll be doing during the month.

This and the next page are two of my weekly logs. I don't use daily logs since I don't need that much space.

Page ideas I incorporated into my Journal:
  • Future Log
  • List for Present Ideas
  • A Birthday Page
  • My Goals for 2017
  • Year in Pixels
  • University Timetables 
  • My Grades
  • Blog Schedule
  • Blog Post Ideas
  • Favourites
  • Statistics 
  • Places I want to go to
  • Things I need to pack when I'm traveling
  • Need & Want List
  • Books I need to write
  • Monthly Logs
  • Weekly Logs

How to find inspiration:
I think Pinterest and YouTube are amazing for getting inspired. There are so many ideas for pages and decorations. I especially love looking through Pinterest.

Ideas for Bullet Journal pages that I haven't icorporated into mine:
  • Habit Tracker 
  • Monthly Goals
  • Meal Planner
  • Grocery Shopping List
  • Places you visited
  • Spending Log
  • Water Intake
  • Adresses and Contacts
  • Weight Loss Log
  • Bucket List
  • Doodle Pages
  • Brain Dump

 I hope you're having an amzing weekend! See you, xx

Instagram: @marythisisme