Quick and Easy American Style Pancakes // FOOD

The past few months I really got into making pancakes for breakfast since they are quick to make and they taste delicious. I'm basically making pancakes every week now. 

I noticed that most recipes for American Pancakes seem quite complex, especially when you're craving breakfast in the morning and can't be bothered to go through a hundred steps. So, I kind of made up my own recipe which probably hasn't anything to do with the original American pancakes. However, they kind of look like them and they also taste incredible. Furthermore, you probably should have all the ingredients already. I also don't add sugar to the pancake batter, so you can basically add anything to them and you have the option of keeping them a bit healthier.

So without further ado, here is my quick and easy American Style Pancake recipe:

Ingredients for 1 serving:

5 tablespoons of flour
1 egg
1 teaspoon of baking soda 
90 ml of milk (any kind)
45 ml of sparkling water 
a pinch of salt 
sunflower oil

Mix all the ingredients together to a smooth batter. If you don't have sparkling water at home, you can simply substitute it with milk. I personally like to use sparkling water since it makes the pancakes a bit fluffier. 

Put a bit of oil into a pan and let it heat up. I like using sunflower oil because it doesn't have a strong flavour to it, so it won't interfere with the flavour of the actual pancakes. It also helps if you have a small pan like the one on the picture below. The batter is not that thick, so it will expand in a big pan and the pancakes will turn out thinner. However, this is not a problem since they will taste just as good. Before I had the small pan, I used to do it in a bigger one and it worked fine. My dad actually bought me the smaller one because he knows how much I like making pancakes (so sweet of him!). 

When the pan is hot, just take a paper towel and get rid of most of the oil, otherwise the pancakes might be a bit greasy depending on how much oil you put in the pan. Put in some of the batter and wait until little bubbles appear on the surface of the pancake. Then you can flip it. Repeat this until there is no batter left. 

After your pancakes are ready, the fun part starts. You can basically decorate them with everything you fancy. My personal favourite is, of course, Nutella! I also like adding some fruit, such as bananas or strawberries. 

I hope you will enjoy this pancake recipe. If you recreate it, please let me know how it turned out. 

I hope you're having an amazing start to the new week! xx

Instagram: @marythisisme
bloglovin': @marythisisme