Hello, hello, helloo! How are you? I hope you're well.
Studying for exams is probably my least favourite part of university, so I always need to make it as enjoyable as possible. Here are some tips on how to study effectively without it getting too much or too stressful:
1. Always write your study papers as soon as possible.
I found that writing my study papers as early as possible makes it so much easier to study for an exam. Now, I try to write down everything that was important in a lecture right after it. This saves me so much time when the actual stressful time of exams begins, since I'm are ready to start and I don't have to look through all of my note books and filter out the information I need.
I always write my papers on the computer, since that makes it easy to include pictures and statistics that might be helpful. Furthermore, it takes a lot less time. When the exams period begins, I just print out my papers and start studying.
2. Make lists.
I think writing lists is really important. That means, you have a quick overview on what you have to do, and you can also plan what you want to do on a day. This helps you to keep all the important things in mind, and it shows you how much you've done.
3. Always start studying in the morning.
I try to always start in the morning. I then study until noon. In that period of time I usually get done everything I wanted to do in a day, which means I'll have the rest of the day to do whatever I want. Furthermore, I won't feel stressed about not studying when I start in the afternoon, since I'll feel really bad when I procrastinate.
This tip obviously does not work for everybody, because some people are incredibly productive at night, but it works pretty well for me.
4. Take breaks and don't study the whole day.
You have to see studying like workouts. You can't workout the whole day and it works the same way with your brain.You'll quickly become tired and loose concentration if you study the whole day and don't plan in breaks.
5. Start early.
It's better to have too much time to study than not enough. This way you will feel less stressed and you can be more relaxed while studying, since you've got enough time.
I generally start studying one month before an exam, since this will give me enough time to study, and I can also take days off if I need them.
6. Get snacks!
Not only do snacks make studying more enjoyable, but things like nuts and chocolate really help your mind, which is a nice side-effect. Also, make sure you have enough water close to you, because it's important to stay hydrated.
I hope this is helpful to you. If you have any tips, please, tell me, because I have to study so much at the moment since it's the end of the winter term...
I hope you'll have an amazing start to the new week! See you, xx
Instagram: @marythisisme