Hello, hello, helloo! How are you? I hope you're well.
As maybe some of you know, I turned 20 on the 26th March and turning 20 made me think about the things I want to accomplish in the next few years. So, I have made a list of 30 things I want to do before I turn 30. This list is incredibly personal and I hope it inspires you or gives you new ideas of what you would like to do in your life.
1. Get a tattoo
I've been wanting to get a tattoo for probably five years now and I've been constantly coming up with new ideas of what I want to get and where. I think I definitely have reached the point where I don't want to wait any longer and I'll hopefully get one soon, if I'm brave enough.
2. Move into my own flat
I'm so excited to move into my own flat. I know that this will take some time and I'll probably only be able to do so when I finish university, however I'm already collecting ideas of how I want it to look like. I really like decorating and furnishing and I can't wait to get started.
3. Get a cat (or maybe two)
I am a cat person through and through. Unfortunately, I can't get a cat now since I life near a quite busy road and also my dad is not really fond of animals especially cats. So, getting a cat has to wait until I move out.
4. Visit another continent
So far, I've only ever been to countries in western Europe, but I would love to see cultures that are much more different to what I know.
5. Graduate university
Of course, I hope that I'll finish university with good grades. Nonetheless, I'm quite sad thinking about the time that I'll leave university since I'm currently having the best time of my life there. I found amazing friends and the last two years there have taught me so much and helped me grow as a person.
6. Find a job as a teacher
But what does she even study? That's maybe a question that you ask yourself now. I currently study primary education focusing on the subjects German, Mathematics and English. I always wanted to become a teacher and working with children is simply amazing and so much fun.
7. Work even harder on my blog
I know, it's been really quiet around here the last few weeks, but I love this blog with all my heart and I can never see myself stopping to share my thoughts with you here. It's just that I've been quite busy recently and didn't feel as motivated as normally.
8. Buy my first proper designer handbag
I adore handbags so, so much and there are definitely a lot of luxury handbags that I have my eyes on. Unfortunately, most of them are super expensive, so that I can only think: someday.
9. Get into fitness and sports
I've never been into sports, NEVER! However, I know it does wonders for your body and I would love to get fitter and thus healthier.
10. Become more confident
I think I've gotten so much better at that in the past years. However, there are definitely situations where I would love to be more confident. I especially find it difficult when meeting a group of new people who all know each other and I'm the only person who doesn't know anybody.
11. Get 1000 followers on Instagram
Reaching 1000 followers on Instagram would be huge! Unfortunately, I've been stuck at the same number for months now, thus it's really difficult to stay motivated and keep posting new pictures.
12. Go to five places I've never been to before
Traveling is something I really enjoy and seeing new places and cultures is interesting and for sure eye-opening. I would love to explore new countries.
13. Go to a concert
I know, this will be shocking to most people, but in my twenty years, I've never been to a concert. This needs to change!
14. Step out of my comfort zone
I rarely step out of my comfort zone, since I feel quite safe like that. Nonetheless, I know that leaving the comfort zone is important to grow as a person and experience new things. Forcing myself to not play it safe as much anymore will definitely not be easy, but I'll try my best.
15. Either improve my Italian or learn a new language
Learning new languages is something I enjoy so much and speaking different languages is an amazing skill. I had Italian in school for three years but I've forgotten a lot. It's my goal to speak it fluently. I would also love to learn French since the language is so beautiful.
16. Get into healthy eating
I wouldn't say that I eat too much bad stuff, but there is for sure room for improvement. I also would like to try to eat vegetarian or vegan for a month.
17. Go on a holiday with my best friend
My best friend and I are talking about going on holiday together since we left school. Still, we haven't managed to put that plan into action. However, this definitely needs to happen soon!
18. Find a charity/cause I want to support
I would love to do good and have positive impact on something. I only need to find a charity or a cause that I'm passionate about and that I want to support.
19. Find "the one"
Well, this is a difficult topic... Does "the one" even exist? I don't know. All I know is, that I want to fall in love, head over heels. I would love to find the person that I can call my soul mate and I want to share my life with.
20. Do a dancing course
I feel like this is something that I should do. I don't really know, why. All of my friends have done it and they really enjoyed it. Maybe, I'm missing out...
21. Find a new hobby
I would love to find something new I really like doing. Sometimes, I'm just incredibly bored of everything. Do you have any tips of what I could get into?
22. Try to use less plastic and do more for the environment
I'm already trying to implement more environmentally-friendly products into my life. My next step is to order one of those reusable water bottles, so that I can cut out all the plastic water bottles that I use. Seeing the state of the oceans makes me sick and deeply sad. I also want to buy a new bike since my old one isn't that functional anymore. That way I would have to use my car less. Climate change is definitely a thing looking at this incredibly hot summer. It hasn't properly rained in weeks here in Düsseldorf and I don't want to just sit and watch.
23. Get better a photography and learn how to use a camera properly
All the gear and no idea. This sentence has some truth to it. I have an amazing camera, however, I don't know how to use it properly. I only use it in automatic mode and I have no idea about shutter speed and all that stuff.
24. Become more spontaneous
I'm the least spontaneous person ever. It's almost embarrassing. I always need to plan everything. Don't get me wrong, planning is important, but to some extent it has to stop.
25. Start a family
I know that this is probably the most ambitious thing on this list. I would love to get married at the end of my twenties and maybe also have children.
26. Drive a sports car
I love driving fast. On most German motorways are no speed limitations and thus I would love to just once drive an incredibly fast car down the motorway. At the moment, I have a car that can barely drive 140km/h and that's just not doing it for me.
I just want to add: I'm a safe driver!
27. Document my life more
I am incredibly scared to forget all the amazing moments I have in my life. That's why I want to take more pictures and document the things I'm doing so that I'll never forget them.
28. Be positive, happy and thankful
I can't stand people who continually moan about everything. I never want to be one of those people. I want to be inspiring and have a positive influence on others. Right now, I'm in an incredibly happy place and I'm so thankful for all the opportunities I have and that I have so many wonderful people in my life. I really hope this will stay like this.
29. Spend as much time with my friends as I can
As I just mentioned, I love my friends dearly and I'm so glad that I have them. Thus, I think it's really important to spend as much time as you can with the people you love.
30. See the northern lights
Just to end this post on a slightly lighter note, I would love to see the northern lights. I find them extremely fascinating and I think that it would be an amazing experience.
I hope you're having an amazing start to the new week! See you, xx