My New Year's Resolutions // 2019

 Hello, hello, helloo! How are you? I hope you're well.

2019 is here and with it come ambitious goals that everybody wants to achieve in the new year. I have to admit, I think I haven't kept up one of last year's new year's resolutions. I think I just set to many and thus I couldn't keep up. 
This time, I didn't think of that many and I really want to focus on these five things:

1. Drink more water.
I think everybody agrees that drinking enough water is so important. Well, I constantly forget to drink enough, which not only causes my headaches but also made me pass out once in summer since I was so dehydrated. Needless to say, I really need to change that.

2. Keep up My Bullet Journal for the Whole Year.
This year, I started a bullet journal again and this will be my last try of making it work for me. I can NEVER keep up a calendar and I hope this year will be the year I can do it. I really enjoyed setting it up and doodling, so I hope this will stay that way.

3. Work out at least twice a month.
I never thought I'd become that person who sets the goal of working out since I'm quite lazy when it comes to doing sports. However, I want to change that this year. I started working out in November for a bit and I really enjoyed it, but then I got ill and I stopped doing it. This month I'll pick it up again, let's see how long it lasts this time...

4. Get more into skincare and get into a proper routine.
Did I say, I'm lazy? I'm also lazy when I comes to skincare. I regularly forget it and that's sooo bad for my skin. I really want to buy a Clarisonic and use my moisturizer and my eye-cream at least every single evening.

5. Read more. 
I also set this goal for last year and I think it's probably the only thing I kind of kept up with. I think I read about eight or nine books in 2018 and I really would like to read about the same number of books this year.

These are all of my new year's resolutions. What are yours? It would be really interesting to know. :)

I hope you're having an amazing start to the new year! See you, xx

Instagram: @marythisisme
Bloglovin': marythisisme